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Sakai Tutorials

Importing RefWorks into Sakai

You can search and retrieve citations from individual databases, such as ProQuest and JSTOR, as well as from groups of subject-specific databases, to create citation lists. Citations contain links to retrieve the full text or physical location of the information. You can attach copies of these citation lists to other items (e.g., assignments, forum postings, calendar items) within your worksite, and also can export citations to bibliographic management tools, such as EndNote and Reference Manager.

Importing from RefWorks

1.  Log in to RefWorks
2.  Select References
3.  From the drop-down menu choose Export

Screenshot of RefWorks menu options.

4.  In References to Include, select the folder with the citations you want to import into Sakai
5.  The Export Format needs to be Bibliographic Software (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite)
6.  Click on Export

Screenshot of exporting references.

7.  A new tab/window will open with the citations.  Select all the text and copy it.
8.  Log in to Sakai and navigate to your site.
9.  Choose Resources from the course/project site's menu
10.  Select a folder, click on Add.
11.  Choose Add Citation List from the drop-down menu.
12.  Click on Import Citations.
13.  In the text box, paste the citations you copied from RefWorks

Screenshot of importing citations.

14.  Click on Import.
15.  Review the list then select Continue.

Screenshot of citations.

16.  Give your citations a name
17.  Click on Finish.